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  4. Trolling
  5. Depth Control

Depth Control

The Depth Control panel uses the calibration’s analyzed curve data, and allows the user to easily understand the line length used to troll at the desired depth.

Enter the current rod tip height to be used while trolling. This may be different than the height used in the angle set section while calibrating.

Specify the desired depth at which you wish to troll the terminal tackle by moving the Depth Control slider widget. As you move the slider, the Depth Control shows the Depth, surface line Angle, and the corresponding total line Length value required to reach the desired depth.

The lengths of submerged and unsubmerged line are shown beneath the total line length. The unsubmerged line depends on the rod tip Height and the Surface Angle.

The changing Depth Control data is reflected in the Graph.

Release or recover line so that the line length value is displayed by the line counter of the reel and continue to troll.

At any time, without additional calibration, you may slide to a new trolling depth, obtain the corresponding total line length, and adjust the fishing line accordingly.