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  5. Trolling Speed Control

Trolling Speed Control

If the active calibration is part of a speed Gauge with other calibrations of the same rig at different speeds, then the curve of each calibration of the gauge is shown on the graph and the Speed Control panel at the bottom of the screen provides the ability to use any trolling speed within the range of the gauge.

When you specify a new desired speed, Trolling Angles generates a new virtual calibration by interpolating between the measured calibrations of the gauge. This creates an fairly accurate calibration for any trolling speed you wish to use.

The virtual calibration is set as the current calibration, so that it can be shown and used in the other base screens. The virtual calibration is temporary and will not be saved, since it is not based on actual angle measurements, and since it can be recreated at any time.

You can specify the desired speed in three ways.

Manual. Enter the speed manually using the keyboard.

Slider. Move the slider to the new desired speed.

GPS. Allow the app to periodically read the actual speed from the GPS, with optional current correction. The line length of the depth control stays the same, as the virtual calibration changes. This will cause the Depth Control to automatically adjust the displayed lure depth as your boat changes speed.