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Units of Measure

Speed and Line Length Units

Trolling Angles explicitly supports Imperial (American) and Metric units. A Calibration may use either feet or meters for lengths, and miles-per-hour (mph) or kilometers-per-hour (km/h) for speed. Your preference may be adjusted in the Settings/Length and Speed Options page, and you should make your choice with some thought.

The app does not convert between metric and imperial units. For example, if a calibration is established with meters as the length unit, the app will always show all its lengths and depths as meters, and there is no automatic way to convert its measurements to feet. Note that although there are buttons to change a calibration from one system to another in the Edit screen, this is intended only to make a correction. It does not convert your measurement numbers.

The initial settings upon installation are to set your preference based on your smartphone’s Locale, but this may not be what you want. Some reels sold in Europe count line in feet, not meters. It probably works best to set your length units to match your fishing reel’s line counter, and you may wish to set your electronic depth finder to show depth in the same units too. Also set your speed units to match the settings you use on your other electronics.

Preferred Line Lengths

The Preferred Line Lengths setting is used when taking length and angle measurements with the “Auto Advance” option. It is described in the Calibration/Measuring Line Length section.