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Trolling Screen

At the top of the Trolling screen, three image buttons allow you to select either a graph, the lure photo, or attributes.


If selected, the top section shows a Graph of the the profile of the trolling line with a true 1:1 aspect ratio.


If selected, the top section shows the lure’s photo image, which was established through the Edit page.


If selected, the top section shows the attributes that were recorded in the Edit screen.

Depth Control

The Depth Control lets you determine the line length required to reach your desired trolling depth. As you change the line length and depth, these changes are reflected in the interactive graph.

GPS and Current

If on, the GPS control shows the boat’s and smartphone’s Speed Over Ground.

It can also adjust for water current, showing speed and direction with respect to the water as it appears to the lure and line.

Speed Control

If the calibration is not part of a multi-calibration Gauge, the Speed Control shows the static speed at which the calibration was measured, and will warn if the speed differs from the boat’s speed.

If the calibration is part of a Gauge, it allows you to select any speed in the range of the gauge, and the chart and depth control uses an estimated depth curve for that speed.