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  4. Calibration
  5. Calibration Overview

Calibration Overview

The Base activity focuses on a single calibration and is invoked by the Start button of Main screen or by picking a calibration from the Calibration List.

Calibration Persistent Data

The calibration data, comprising the multiple length and angle pairs, the angler-defined name and attributes, the boat speed, and rod tip height of the rig is stored in persistent storage so that it can later be retrieved and reused in another subsequent trolling session without the need to recalibrate.

All changes to a calibration are captured immediately after updating the values, but the the calibration database is updated only when you leave the base screen back to the Main screen or Calibration List.

Base Activity Screen

The Base Activity is a multi-part screen which consists of several tabbed full screen panels.

Top Toolbar

The top toolbar has

  • Back (arrow) button, which reverts to the previous Main or Calibrations List activity.
  • Delete (trash) button, which deletes the current calibration.
  • Copy button, which allows you to create a copy of this calibration.
  • Graph button, which shows a larger graph of the submerged line of the current calibration.

Tabbed Panels

It may be tabbed or swiped horizontally to switch between different screens of the Base page. Note that the Tabs are at the top of the screen on an Android, and at the bottom of the screen on an iPhone.

  • The Calibration screen provides the ability to measure and use a calibration.
  • The Edit screen sets descriptive attributes of the calibration.
  • The Troll screen provides a simplified larger text interface for Trolling with a stable configuration.
  • The Gauge tab activates an additional line of tabs to setup a set of calibrations (gauge) for a single rig at different speeds and use it for speed variability and water current measurement.

The Help buttons show brief messages explaining this section of the app, and provide a link to more details in the user’s guide.

Calibration Screen

The Trolling Angles Calibration Screen of the Base activity has several parts. It provides on one compact screen all of the functions that allow you to create a calibration and use it. It may be scrolled vertically to focus on the top or bottom sections. This panel is quite complex to cover the whole scope of functionality. Other tabbed panels focus on individual functionality in a simpler manner.

The subpanels of the Calibration screen are, from top to bottom:

Graph Section

The Graph section shows the profile of the trolling line with a true 1:1 aspect ratio.
The graph of the full line profile (gray) is updated whenever a measurement is added, deleted, or changed.
The graph of the submerged line (red), unsubmerged line (magenta), and water surface (blue) is updated whenever the desired trolling depth is changed.

Depth Control Section

The Depth Control lets you determine the line length required to reach your desired trolling depth.
Set the Height field to the trolling height of the rod tip above the water surface.
As you move the slider, the Depth Control shows the Line Length, the Line Angle at the surface, and the Depth.
The lengths of submerged and unsubmerged line are shown beneath the total line length.

GPS Section

Turn on the GPS switch to use the device’s GPS sensors to determine the actual boat speed.

Alternatively, read the boat speed from the boat’s marine electronics, the boat’s speedometer, or other means.

Angle Measurements Section

The Measurements section shows the line angle measurements that make up the Trolling Angles calibration.

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