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  4. Calibration
  5. Lure Photos

Lure Photos

You may photograph your lure and Trolling Angles will show the photo in several places to make it easier to identify your calibration. A small version of the image is presented on each line of the Calibrations List, and on the Edit page. If you have not added an image for the calibration, then an icon is shown in its place.

Photo images originate as normal photos taken with the camera or images anywhere on your phone, which are converted to lower resolution compressed “thumbnail” images. The thumbnails are stored separately in the private application data area of the Trolling Angle app. The original images are not used by Trolling Angles once the thumbnails are stored.

You may use the same image for multiple calibrations, which would be appropriate if you have multiple calibrations for the same lure but with different speeds, weights, or lines.

The Lure Image Screen

On the Edit page, press the lure’s image or icon to go to the Lure Image page. A large image of the photo is shown at the top of the the Lure Image page. If the calibration does not yet have a photo, an icon is shown instead.

The bottom of the page shows a scrollable list of thumbnails already held by the app.

To add or change the calibration’s image, you can select one of the thumbnails already held by the app, take a photo of your lure/rig, select any other image available on your smartphone or other accessible cloud location, or clear the image.

Use an Existing Thumbnail

To use an existing thumbnail image, simply select the image in the list.

Take a Photo

To take a photo, select the camera icon . To allow you to select the location and name of the new photo. Trolling Angles will turn control over to a “File Picker”. This is a separate app on your phone, which will differ depending on your smartphone vendor or apps you have installed. You may wish to navigate to or create a separate subdirectory, for example “Trolling Angles” on your phone. Trolling Angles suggests a file name based on the lure’s name and the current date and time, but you may change this. At this point, you are only defining the location and name of the photo.

When you have picked and created the location and name of the empty image file, Trolling Angles turns control over to your smartphone camera. Place the lure and rig on a neutral background, and take the picture. The camera will place the photo where you have indicated. Then, Trolling Angles will create the thumbnail, store it in the photo list, and set it as the photo for the current calibration.

Use an Existing Original Image

Similarly, to use an existing photo, press the Image Library icon , to use the File Picker to select your image.

The app will then create the reduced resolution thumbnail image, store it in the photo list with other lure snapshots, and set it as the photo of the current calibration.


To clear an image, use the icon in the toolbar at the top of the screen. This will ask you to confirm that you wish to clear the image from the calibration, and if the image is no longer used by Trolling Angles, will let you delete the image from the app’s data.

Manage the Thumbnail List

The info button for each item in the list of saved image thumbnails shows the list of all calibrations that use the image. If the image is unused, a trash can icon is shown, and you may press it to delete the image from the app.

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