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The Settings page lets you change the way Trolling Angles behaves and appears according to your preferences. To open the Settings page, use the settings icon on the top toolbar of the main page.

The Theme Settings page lets you choose a Daylight, GrayScale, or Dark theme for all pages. The Dark theme may be preferable at night.

The Upgrade setting page lets you purchase a subscription or permanent license from Google Play or the Apple App Store to activate functionality .

The Speed Options page lets you select to use miles per hour (MPH) or kilometers per hour (KPH) for speed fields and GPS (Global Positioning System) readings. Trolling Angles does not convert your calibrations data between MPH and KPH, though it does convert GPS speed readings to your preferred setting.

The Graph Options setting page lets you select the types of data that is displayed on line curve graphs.

The UI Settings page lets you select from a set of fish silhouette icons to use to select the Trolling page and from a set of lure icons used as stand-in for unset Lure Images. It also lets you suppress or redisplay the inline Help buttons.

The Autocline Setup page lets you select to use the optional Autocline, and to configure it.


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